Friday, August 28, 2009

My Scooter and I went to College - The Benefits of Using Endurance Scooter To College

I bought my first scooter this year. I’m a freshman in college now and I wish I had known before how great it would be to own one of these. I purchased a 150cc 2008 Tank at Endurance Scooters and now I can’t live without it. The gas is so much cheaper since I only have to fill up every 2 weeks, and even when I do fill up, it only needs one gallon. It has saved me tons of money that would have gone wasted before.

I hated spending so much money just to get myself to school and back, but now I drive my scooter all over town without feeling like I’m wasting gas. My Scooter also solved another problem for me: being late. Don’t get me wrong, it’s no faster than a car, but it does give me a new place to park. I no longer have to wind around the parking lot hoping to find a space. I just park right up front. This also saves me the long, dreadful walk to my first class.

My friends are always begging me for a test drive, which can be scary at times, but nobody has crashed it yet. They love riding on the back, too. Luckily for me, a few of my friends are too afraid to drive it themselves. I keep telling them that they’re pretty easy to drive once you get used to it, but they just won’t believe it. I, myself, was a bit reluctant at first, but after a quick lesson from the man at Endurance Scooters and some practice, I was soon very comfortable with it. People always ask me how I carry my backpack and other things to school. The backpack fits right inside the seat, and if I have any extra things that don’t fit in the seat, I simply attach the ‘boot’, which is like a portable trunk. With all the benefits of my new scooter, I don’t know how I could live and get through school without it. It saves me money, time, and it’s tons of fun.


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