Thursday, September 3, 2009

Scooter Battery keeps dying? Another Unknown Problem The Scooter Dealer Never Told Us

Here is a little unknown secret:

What most of us don’t know, is that the ‘kill switch’ continues to drain our batteries, it’s like an “ON” switch. The problem is all of us leave the kill switch ‘on’, even when the scooter isn’t running; and that is draining our batteries. What no one told us, is that we need to shut it off each time we walk away from our scooters. We all assume that if our scooter starts right up again, the battery must be fully charged, but that simply isn’t true. So the secret is to shut off the kill switch every time we turn off the scooter and take out the key.

The other big secret is no one ever told us that Scooters are not like cars. Scooters don’t recharge the batteries on their own. When our car is dead, we give each other a jump. We let it run for 20 minutes and it recharges the battery – all is well. What we have all assumed is that Scooters are the same way, but they are not. If we have a half charged battery, it remains half charged for about 3 months, then it just dies one day. Then we are all off to the Scooter repair shop to buy our 2nd or 3rd battery for the year. Frustrating, isn’t it?

Want the solution? It’s easy, just shut off the kill switch. So simply tell yourself when you stop your scooter, we have to do TWO things, not one. We have to remove the key AND turn off the kill switch. That will shut off the battery and stop the slow draining that continues to haunt all of us.

Happy Scootering.


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