Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fuse Problems & Solutions for Chinese / Korean / Taiwan Gas Motor Scooters

Many of us have scooter that have starting or stalling-out problems. For some of us, it’s the whole fuse setup that is causing our problems, and here are the top 3 solutions.

There is a small fuse box next to the battery on the main red battery cable. There is a fuse inside that white plastic housing. It also has an extra replacement fuse in most of these scooters. This is one of the least expensive gas scooter parts.

When our scooters don’t start or start to stall on us, we check the fuse first in our repair shop; so I suggest everyone try that step as well. I have had a few cases that the fuse looks fine, but we replaced it anyways with the extra fuse, and the scooter started right up. First of all, realize that might be one solution; but here is another unknown problem and solution we might not know that is happening at the same time:

We’ve replaced the fuse and the scooter starts up, so we think we solved the problem, when actually we didn’t. What we didn’t know is that the fuse that was already in there, was working just fine. The new fuse worked because we worked with the fuse holder replacing the fuse, not realizing the problem was the fuse holder. By simply playing with it, it made contact again and the scooter started. Sometimes these plastic cases melt and can cause a short.

The fuse box connectors in these scooters are very cheap. I recommend replacing the holder unit with a more heavy duty unit if you suspect anything, including the connectors. This is a very faulty gas scooter part and is easily replaced with a higher quality unit we can count on to work and not short out.

Mark Kemp is the Chinese Scooter Parts Manager at Scooter Stock L.L.C. and the Service manager at our local repair shop at L.L.C., located in Orem Utah. He is our resident expert on Chinese Gas Motor Scooter Parts.


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